Studio One 104
Workflow Essentials
Genre: Audio
  • 16 Videos
  • 1h 10m
  • Quiz Available
Having a good workflow is key to saving time and boosting productivity. In this course, audio expert Alex Solano shares workflow strategies to help you unleash the full power of PreSonus Studio One.
Alex Solano, of Pulsating Waves, is an Independent Producer/Engineer and YouTube personality who has drawn in his audience through music tech education.
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First, Alex reveals the best way to start a Studio One project. He explains the right way to import files and how to keep your session neatly organized-and he also shows the wrong way to do it, so you can see exactly what NOT to do and why. Along the way, you learn how to set up your own custom keyboard shortcuts, how to bounce files and how to remove duplicate files to keep your project file size as small as possible.

Next, he talks about one the most important aspects of audio signal flow: gain staging. This is where you learn how to keep your signals at optimum level and why it is important to do this before starting a mix session.

The following tutorials explore different workflow strategies, such as how to mute & hide tracks and events, how to stereo-ize mono tracks, the difference between insert and event effects and how to build and mix multi-output MIDI drum tracks. Alex also teaches the trick to easily edit, quantize and slice live-recorded drums while still preserving the organic feel of the performance.

Finally, the course ends with additional tips on how to apply artwork and how to best deal with plugin formats.

So, sit back and listen as audio expert Alex Solano shares his favorite workflow tips and tricks... and get ready to work faster and better in Studio One!
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