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Teenage Engineering 104 - The OP-Z Explored.
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  • 1

    How long is the default length of each step?

  • 2

    The metronome sound can be changed to a counting voice. True or false?

  • 3

    All the synth tracks have a built in arpeggiator. True or False?

  • 4

    Mute groups can be stored in projects. True or False?

  • 5

    The Delay effect is available on...

  • 6

    The master track is used for what?

  • 7

    The audio tracks have 4 pages of parameters. True or False?

  • 8

    The Tape track stores audio in buffer. True or False?

  • 9

    By default,which track would you use to send MIDI on channel 10?

  • 10

    How many tracks have their own sounds?

  • 11

    Motion creates two dimensional graphics to be controlled by the OP-Z. True or False?

  • 12

    Which button must be held down to add a step component to a step?

  • 13

    Which tracks have drum sounds by default?

  • 14

    Which tracks can be recorded in real time?

  • 15

    How many projects does the OP-Z have?

  • 16

    Photomatic requires the OP-Z app. True or False?

  • 17

    Does the OP-Z app work with Android?

  • 18

    Do you need to hold shift to use punch-in effects when on the Performance track?

  • 19

    How do you take pictures with the OP-Z?

  • 20

    Punch-In effects first appeared on which series of Teenage Engineering instruments?

Teenage Engineering 104
The OP-Z Explored
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