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Logic Pro X 201 - The EXS24: Sampling Explored.
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  • 1

    EXS24's Multi-Output capability means that:

  • 2

    The three main settings in each of EXS24's ten Moulation Matrix sections are:

  • 3

    The split Level slider in EXS24's output section:

  • 4

    EXS24's Articulation IDs:

  • 5

    In the EXS Instrument Editor Zones view, Velocity Range lets you set:

  • 6

    In the EXS Instrument Editor Zones view, enabling 1-Shot for a Zone:

  • 7

    The Random knob in EXS24's Pitch section

  • 8

    In the EXS Instrument Editor Groups view, the Filter & Envelope Offsets:

  • 9

    Logic's EXS24 is:

  • 10

    EXS24's front-panel programming Parameters:

  • 11

    To achieve a similar capability to Multi-Timbral operation with EXS:

  • 12

    Realism in sampler instruments can be enhanced by:

  • 13

    In the EXS Instrument Editor Groups view, the Select-By options:

  • 14

    The two main displays in the EXS Instrument Editor window are:

  • 15

    The difference between Mono mode and Legato mode is:

  • 16

    In EXS24's Envelopes, ADSR stands for:

  • 17

    In a sample Keymap, the Root Key is:

  • 18

    EXS24's lowpass Filter:

  • 19

    To add expression, Velocity can be set to affect three parameters-they are:

  • 20

    The two most common types of MIDI data used to add expression are:

  • 21

    The only EXS24 sound format that includes keymap & sample reference data is:

  • 22

    Some features EXS lacks (i.e. Multitimbrality, Sample-file editing and Scripting) can be added via other Logic functions. True or false?

  • 23

    An LFO routed to control Pitch can create the musical effect of:

  • 24

    In the EXS Instrument Editor Groups view, the "Exclusive" setting:

  • 25

    When loading multiple samples into a (new) EXS instrument:

Logic Pro X 201
The EXS24: Sampling Explored
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