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Logic Pro 202 - The Step FX .
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  • 1

    Which parameter in a delay unit controls how long the delayed signal lasts for?

  • 2

    The XY pad can modulate up to how many modulation targets?

  • 3

    The XY Pad in Step FX can have how many total modulation targets?

  • 4

    Which step modulator target in Step FX controls the volume of the pattern?

  • 5

    What of the following can be used to 'print' and audio signal from one track to another?

  • 6

    Which envelope stage controls the amount of time it takes for a signal to reach it's full level?

  • 7

    How many step modulators are contained within Step FX?

  • 8

    Which type of filter cuts low end frequencies, but allows highs to remain?

  • 9

    Chorus and modulation effects often use a cyclic modulation source, called a/an:

  • 10

    Which step modulator target is your "bread and butter" for creating rhythmic sequences?

  • 11

    Which filter parameter is the same as feedback at the cutoff frequency?

  • 12

    What type of effects plug-in is Step FX?

  • 13

    Which of the following reverb types is typically a light, shimmering sounding reverb?

  • 14

    Which type of filter blends the signal with one or more delayed copies of the original signal?

  • 15

    The parameters within the Distortion Module cannot be modulated with the step modulator.

  • 16

    Which type is great for cutting the high end frequencies, while maintaining the lows?

  • 17

    The step modulators in Step FX allow for dotted and triplet rhythmic values.

  • 18

    The modulation depth within the XY Pad can be a positive or negative value.

Logic Pro 202
The Step FX
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