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Waves 201 - The Abbey Road Collection Explored.
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  • 1

    The Waves REDD.17 plug-in is an emulation of ___________.

  • 2

    Artifacts caused by the irregularities in the speed of the motors of a tape recorder are called ____________.

  • 3

    ADT stands for _________.

  • 4

    Complete the following sentence. __________ EQ has broader curves for subtle, transparent adjustments.

  • 5

    Bias is an audible signal present in all tape recordings. True or false?

  • 6

    The Waves RS56 plug-in is an emulation of ___________.

  • 7

    To get a sense of how much the REDD plug-in is overdriving the signal, you should refer to the ____________.

  • 8

    It is always best to avoid tape saturation. True or false?

  • 9

    On the REDD plug-ins, you can control the degree of analog warmth with the Output gain control. True or false?

  • 10

    On the REDD stereo plug-ins, which control is not affected by the Linked button?

  • 11

    Tape speed primilarly affects __________.

  • 12

    Complete the following sentence. __________ EQ has narrow bandwidths for precise, corrective adjustments.

  • 13

    On the REDD plug-ins the Analog knob _________.

  • 14

    On the REDD plug-ins, the VU meter is calibrated by default so a steady signal of ____ dBFS should register as 0 VU.

Waves 201
The Abbey Road Collection Explored
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