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Cubase 12 100 - What's New in Cubase 12.
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  • 1

    Press ____ to toggle the click/metronome.

  • 2

    Use the ______ to apply batch commands to MIDI events.

  • 3

    Verve must be loaded in:

  • 4

    Which release mode in Raiser has the fastest release time, meant for maximizing loudness?

  • 5

    To use Audio to MIDI Chords, drag any audio onto a:

  • 6

    The Aeolian mode is the same as:

  • 7

    You can build your own custom MIDI remote ______ and turn almost any MIDI controller into a control surface.

  • 8

    FX Modulator can be used as an audio effects insert on both instruments and audio tracks. True or false?

  • 9

    How many versions of Cubase 12 are available?

  • 10

    Hold ______ to resize fades while trimming.

Cubase 12 100
What's New in Cubase 12
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