Here’s a selection of’s most popular combinators tutorial-videos:
  • 12. 12. Combining Players
    4m 26s
    Reason 210
    Performing with Player Devices
    One of the most exciting new features in Reason is the introduction of Player Devices. So Mo Volans created this course to teach you everything about these cool MIDI FX. Why wait?! Learn them now!
  • 15. 15. Combinators for Speed
    2m 37s
    Reason 8 401
    Beat Lab
    Welcome to the Beat Lab. Put on your protective gear because Reason expert Mo Volans is going to show you how to concoct and mangle some dangerous beats. Watch out!
  • 6. 6. Super Stacked Synths
    5m 32s
    Reason 7 301
    Advanced MIDI Workshop
    Reason 7 is deep into MIDI Madness. Watch as Reason specialist Mo Volans take you into the depths of Propellerheads' latest version of Reason and its expanded, enhanced and supercharged internal and external MIDI features.
  • 14. 14. Making Combinators
    1m 41s
    Reason 7 401
    Reason's Mixing Toolbox
    Learn how to operate the console and mixing tools included in Reason. Watch as Mo Volans remixes a track right before your eyes and ears...
  • 19. 19. Creating Super FX Processors
    4m 57s
    Reason 7 405
    Twisted Sound Design
    Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
  • 19. 19. Creating Super FX Processors
    4m 57s
    Reason 6 405
    Twisted Sound Design
    Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
  • 14. 14. Making Combinators
    1m 41s
    Reason 6 401
    Reason's Mixing Toolbox
    Learn how to operate the amazing new console and mixing tools included in Reason 6. Watch as Mo Volans remixes a track right before your eyes and ears...
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