Here’s a selection of’s most popular elicenser tutorial-videos:
  • 1. No More eLicenser
    1m 57s
    Cubase 12 100
    What's New in Cubase 12
    Steinberg's Cubase 12 includes a host of creative and workflow upgrades. Discover what's new in this course with expert trainer Joshua Carney.
  • 7. 7. Staying Up-To-Date
    2m 32s
    Cubase 9.5 101
    Cubase 9.5 Explored
    Steinberg's Cubase 9.5 is here! Explore all the new features and improvements in this 21-tutorial course by product specialist Matthew Loel T. Hepworth.
  • 2. 2. Installation & Updates
    3m 36s
    Cubase 8 100
    Tutorial Sampler
    Welcome Cubase users! Create a FREE account (top right) to watch these introductory teaser tutorials selected from our Cubase courseware. Then join our learning community to unlock more courses about Cubase, synthesis, recording techniques, EDM production, music theory and more.
  • 2. 2. Installation & Updates
    3m 37s
    Cubase 8 101
    Moving Forward With Cubase 8
    With so many new features, Cubase 8 is perhaps THE most complete DAW on the planet. See what all the buzz is about in this deep, 37-tutorial course by Cubase wizard Matt Hepworth.
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