Here’s a selection of’s most popular exposed tutorial-videos:
  • 6. 6. Exposure & Camera Sensitivity
    3m 5s
    Film Craft 105
    The Cinematographer
    The Cinematographer is, essentially, the filmmaker... He shoots the film! In this Film Craft course, Michael Wohl gives you an inside look at the art and science of cinematography.
  • 1. 1. Suffering From Presetitus?
    1m 4s
    Logic Pro X 206
    ES2 Exposed
    The ES2 is the essential synthesis tool in any Logic user's audio arsenal. Introduced in Logic 7 and reborn in Logic Pro X - this tutorial exposes the ES2's deepest musical secrets.
  • 1. 01. Suffering From Presetitus?
    1m 8s
    Logic 206
    ES2 Exposed
    The ES2 is the essential synthesis tool in any Logic user's audio arsenal. Introduced in Logic 7 and reborn in Logic Pro X - this tutorial exposes the ES2's deepest musical secrets.
  • 61. 61. Handling Over-Exposed Images
    2m 39s
    Lightroom 2 101
    Core Lightroom 2
    If you're organizing and editing large quantities of Photos, you need Lightroom 2! Watch as pro photographer Dan Moughamian shows you the ins & outs of this amazing graphics application.
  • 1. 01 ES2 Geography Lesson
    3m 28s
    Logic 8 206
    ES2 Exposed
    Learn how the ES2 works with Logic 8 to make amazing synthesized sounds!
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