Here’s a selection of’s most popular folio tutorial-videos:
  • 21. 21. Web Gallery and Editor
    3m 26s
    Lightroom CC 101
    The Essentials
    Included in Adobe's Creative Cloud collection, Lightroom CC is the perfect cloud-based solution for importing, organizing, editing and sharing your digital images. Learn how to work efficiently with this powerful application in this course taught by professional photographer and trainer, Hollin Jones.
  • 1. 1. Introduction
    1m 41s
    Digital Publishing Suite 101
    Making a Band App
    If you make music and art, Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite is the perfect solution to turn your original content into apps! Join trainer Iain Anderson in this 27-tutorial course and see how easy app-making can be!
  • 31. 31. Inserting into InDesign for DPS
    5m 21s
    Edge Animate 201
    Advanced Techniques
    This intermediate Edge Animate CC course – by Adobe expert Iain Anderson – takes you well beyond the basics of the first course. Discover some powerful tips, tricks & techniques to take your animation to the next level.
  • 1. 1. Portfolio Types
    4m 16s
    Graphic Design 301
    Your Portfolio and Self Promotion
    Self-promotion is key to any graphic designer's success. But before you go out into the world there's a bunch of stuff you must have in your toolbox. This course gives you everything you need to know to jumpstart your career.
  • 2. 2. Basic Terminology
    1m 41s
    Graphic Design 201
    Designing Books and Book Covers
    In this course you learn how to take your design knowledge and apply it to the real world task of designing a book and its cover. Join Mark Gatter as he explains the complexities of book design in this 20-tutorial, workflow course.
  • 28. 28. Creating a PDF Portfolio
    3m 41s
    Acrobat 9 101
    Core Acrobat 9
    Adobe Acrobat is essential to trading documents on the modern Internet. This tutorial-video will teach you how to create forms, format text, imbed images, and distribute PDFs like a pro!
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