Here’s a selection of’s most popular fullscreen tutorial-videos:
  • 3. 3. Windowing - the 4-Way Split
    2m 18s
    Gadget 101
    Absolute Beginner's Guide
    Gadget, Korg's innovative all-in-one music production software is now available on the Mac. Watch this Absolute Beginner's Guide course, and learn how to capture your musical ideas with Gadget!
  • 2. 2. User Interface Updates
    4m 3s
    OS X Yosemite 100
    What's New in OS X Yosemite
    Apple's Yosemite (pronounced yo-sem-it-tee) is the next step in the inevitable confluence of features, of OS X and iOS software. Get a mountaintop view of some of Yosemite's dramatic landscapes in this FREE course by Francesco Schiavon.
  • 13. 13. Full-Screen Playback
    1m 7s
    Final Cut Pro X 108
    Core Training: Finishing Up Your Project
    The editing is done, so are the FX, the color's correct... now what? Final Cut Pro expert Michael Wohl takes you through all the important steps leading to exporting and sharing your movie projects in this deep, 28-tutorial course!
  • 10. 10. Playing Movies
    2m 12s
    iMovie 102
    Story Telling and Editing
    Movie makers are, at their core, storytellers. In this iMovie course by Michael Wohl, you learn how to amp up YOUR storytelling technique using the new and powerful tools that come with Apple's iLife video editor: iMovie...
  • 21. 21. More Play Options
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    iMovie 101
    Getting Started With Your Footage
    "I've shot my footage... Now what?" This is the biggest question every video editor asks when using video editing software. This course is designed to guide you through the importing and organizing process to ensure your iMovie clips are brought in, managed and ready to be edited!
  • 82. 82. Fitting Or Framing Slides
    0m 58s
    iDVD 101
    Mastering iDVD '06
    DVD is the main format for distributing video, and iDVD makes it extremely easy ... when you know a few tricks!
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