Here’s a selection of’s most popular iptc tutorial-videos:
  • 50. 50. Metadata panel
    7m 22s
    Lightroom 4 101
    Building A Photo Library
    Building an effective photo library is an important asset to every professional photographer. Join Adobe Master Instructor Martin Perhiniak as he shows you how to construct and develop your library using Lightroom 4.
  • 24. 24. Metadata and Keywords Overview
    3m 9s
    Lightroom 2 101
    Core Lightroom 2
    If you're organizing and editing large quantities of Photos, you need Lightroom 2! Watch as pro photographer Dan Moughamian shows you the ins & outs of this amazing graphics application.
  • 43. 43. Document Metadata
    2m 16s
    Photoshop CS4 105
    Digital Photography Workflows
    Digital cameras alone don't make good pictures - it takes the helping hand of Photoshop to make your photos shine. This tutorial-video shows you why ...
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