Here’s a selection of’s most popular kill tutorial-videos:
  • 8. 8. Beatmatching
    3m 12s
    DJ Skills and Performing 101
    The ART of DJing
    DJing is considered to be one of the hottest jobs in the music industry. Learn how to become a successful one in this course by renowned DJ and producer Olav Basoski!
  • 8. 8. Using Kill & Freeze
    3m 2s
    Reason 209
    Synchronous Explored
    Synchronous is Reason's new time-based FX modulator. Watch this course by expert Mo Volans as he explains how Synchronous will help you electrify your tracks!
  • 7. 7. Kill EQ
    3m 56s
    AIR Creative FX 101
    The Production FX
    The AIR Creative FX Collection is a powerful group of audio tools that you can use to spice up any production. Available for any platform, these tools are explained and explored by AIR expert Alex Solano in this 15-tutorial course.
  • 1. 1. Introduction
    2m 21s
    Dance Music Masters 104
    TILT | Falling Again - Deconstructed
    Legendary hit-makers, TILT, propel you deep into the production of their new release "Falling Again." Follow along as they deconstruct their creative process in this Logic-based production course.
  • 25. 25. Active vs. Passive Listening
    2m 25s
    Ear Training 103
    Rhythm & Listening Skills
    In previous courses you've learned how to listen for melody and harmony. Now it's time to zoom out and discover how to hear rhythm! This course, with its challenging listening exercises, teaches you how to hear music's powerful pulse. Educate your ears with Gregg Fine!
  • 20. 20. Mapping Faders & Knobs
    2m 18s
    Live 9 101
    Beginner's Guide
    This new beginner's guide –by Ableton expert Bill Burgess– is designed to get every Live newbie up and making tracks fast! So, if you're looking to go Live, start right here, right now with this entertaining and informative course!
  • 2. 2. What's Covered in this Course
    1m 49s
    Drawing 102
    Drawing Techniques 2
    Shapes... Sighting... Shading. There are many natural features that give objects their shape and form. In this 19-tutorial course, Siobhan Twomey explains how to see these features and how to get them on down on "paper." Learn to draw what you see... with Siobhan!
  • 10. 10. Getting Work as a Designer
    3m 18s
    Graphic Design 301
    Your Portfolio and Self Promotion
    Self-promotion is key to any graphic designer's success. But before you go out into the world there's a bunch of stuff you must have in your toolbox. This course gives you everything you need to know to jumpstart your career.
  • 8. 8. The EQ3 1-Band, Channel Strip EQ, & AIR EQ
    4m 32s
    Pro Tools 201
    The Plug-Ins Explored
    Pro Tools's bundled Effect Plug-ins are a huge part of the recording experience. They're inserted on almost every channel strip when you're tracking, mixing and mastering! In this rock-solid course – designed by audio engineer Joe Albano – they are explained and examined in great detail. Master your tools!
  • 65. 65. Add Current Path to the Finder Toolbar
    3m 1s
    Mac OS 10.6 201
    Advanced Snow Leopard
    Rounik Sethi takes you deep into the inner workings of Mac OS 10.6.
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