Here’s a selection of’s most popular melda tutorial-videos:
  • 6. 6. Sparkle & Space: Pt 1
    8m 14s
    Dance Music Masters 202
    Miro Pajic | Inside Info
    In this course, dance music producer Miro Pajic shares his arsenal of club-crushing rhythm track production techniques. Watch, listen, learn and then employ Miro's "Inside Info" in your electronic music tracks.
  • 14. 14. Mixdown: Pt. 1
    20m 13s
    Dance Music Masters 102
    Miro Pajic | The Art of Techno
    Items & Things and Lazerslut artist Miro Pajic delivers the goods on creating effective techno in Ableton Live. Watch this 16-tutorial course and see how he deploys old-school hardware techniques and then re-contextualizes them within the ultra-flexible digital environment.
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