Here’s a selection of’s most popular mk2 tutorial-videos:
  • 2. Gear Used
    3m 12s
    Bitwig Studio 403
    Track Deconstruction: The Big Round Table
    Would you like to watch Bitwig Certified Pro Thavius Beck deconstruct his latest track? We did! And that's why we commissioned this deep dive course into the making of his new EP tune "The Big Round Table". You're just one click away from some very cool tips and tricks!
  • 18. 18. Using Retro Machines
    2m 58s
    Kontakt 101
    Beginner's Guide
    Native Instruments' Kontakt is a powerful engine for creating and playing sampled instruments. Join NI expert Matt Vanacoro in this course, and learn to harness the industry-standard sampler: NI Kontakt 6!
  • 1. 1. Introduction
    1m 33s
    Elektron 206
    Analog RYTM MKII: Beats and Samples
    Elektron's Analog Rytm MKII is here, and it now features sampling capabilities. Learn all about this powerful groovebox with Elektron specialist Thavius Beck!
  • 1. 1. Introduction
    1m 26s
    Komplete Kontrol Mk2 101
    Absolute Beginners Guide
    With its new streamlined layout, hi-res color screens and improved features, Native Instruments' Komplete Kontrol MK2 is a solid upgrade to the original version. Join Matt Vanacoro in this course, and learn how this software & hardware solution will enhance your music-making experience.
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