Here’s a selection of’s most popular paths tutorial-videos:
  • 15. 15. Review of Vector Graphics
    2m 16s
    Drawing 104
    Digital Drawing
    Pixels, bitmaps, vectors, styluses and drawing tablets. Learn the software, tools, techniques and craft of drawing in the digital world in this course by Siobhan Twomey.
  • 7. 7. Working with Arcs
    2m 54s
    Animation Concepts 102
    Dynamic Character Animation
    Siobhan Twomey is back with her second instalment in the popular Animation Concepts series. Learn how to infuse your characters with personality using the universal principles detailed in this 21-tutorial course.
  • 12. 12. The Pen Tool and Bezier Paths
    3m 20s
    Illustrator CC 101
    Illustrator Basics - Create A Logo
    Adobe Illustrator CC is one of the mainstays of any professional digital graphic designer's toolkit. Join internationally-acclaimed author and MPV trainer Iain Anderson from exotic Brisbane, Australia, as he cheerfully and expertly guides you through the basics of what you need to know to get working with Adobe Illustrator CC.
  • 15. 15. Text as Vector Paths
    4m 50s
    Photoshop CS6 106
    Text Tool Techniques and Workflows
    Learn everything there is to know about creating and editing text in a Photoshop document with the knowledgeable and always entertaining Mark Gatter...
  • 12. 12. the Pen Tool and Bezier Paths
    3m 20s
    Illustrator CS6 101
    Illustrator Basics - Create A Logo
    Adobe Illustrator is one of the mainstays of any professional digital graphic designer's toolkit. Join internationally-acclaimed author and MPV trainer Iain Anderson from exotic Brisbane, Australia, as he cheerfully and expertly guides you through the basics of what you need to know to get working with Adobe Illustrator CS6.
  • 21. 21. Routing to Paths
    2m 3s
    Pro Tools 113
    Pro Mixing Techniques
    Mixing sounds to create a cohesive and inspiring piece of music is an art. Join MPV trainer and Pro Tools expert Mike Watkinson, in this PT 110 Certification study guide, as he reveals his favorite mixing techniques and shows you how you can bring your musical canvases to life...
  • 9. 9. Applying the Tracked Rotation Data
    5m 2s
    After Effects CS5 201
    Motion Tracking and Stabilization
    Learn the ins-and-outs of After Effects' Motion Tracking and Stabilization techniques with special effects expert, Richard Lainhart.
  • 26. 26. Drawing Curves
    6m 45s
    Flash CS5 101
    Core Flash CS5
    Learn Flash CS5 the right way (and the fun way) with the entertaining and knowledgable Flash expert, Geoff Blake.
  • 35. 35. Understanding Paths
    2m 41s
    Illustrator CS5 101
    Core Illustrator CS5
    Comprehensive and creative, artistic and accurate...learn Illustrator CS5 from a veteran author and brilliant 3D artist.
  • 94. 94. Using Preview and Outline View Modes
    2m 14s
    Illustrator CS4 101
    Core Illustrator CS4
    Learn to create vector art with seasoned technical author and 3D artist Kelly Murdock.
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