Here’s a selection of’s most popular polysynth tutorial-videos:
  • 2. 2. Common Synth Components
    4m 0s
    Bitwig Studio 302
    The Grid Explained and Explored
    Bitwig Studio 3 introduces an open modular environment called The Grid. Discover the modular sound design possibilities offered by the Poly Grid device in this course by Bitwig certified trainer Thavius Beck!
  • 16. 16. Sequencing a Polysynth with Octatrack
    3m 12s
    Bitwig Studio 301
    Exploring CVs and MIDI
    A big feature introduced in Bitwig Studio 2 is the ability to control external gear via MIDI and CV. This course, by Bitwig Certified Trainer Thavius Beck, shows you how Bitwig Studio 2 can become the pulsing heart of your hardware/software studio!
  • 13. 13. Adding a Bassline
    5m 58s
    Bitwig Studio 101
    Absolute Beginner's Guide
    Bitwig Certified Trainer, Thavius Beck, created this course to give newcomers, and even experienced users, an in-depth understanding of how Bitwig Studio really works. Let a Bitwig Certified Trainer show you the way!
  • 10. 10. History of the Roland Jupiter 8
    2m 12s
    Arturia V Collection 101
    The Classic Synths
    The virtual synths in the Arturia V Collection are the electronic instruments that forever changed the music world. Learn them all with the expert help of synth expert Rishabh Rajan.
  • 22. 22. Pluck
    7m 14s
    Sylenth 101
    Sylenth - Explored
    Sylenth is an innovative synth from the Netherlands by LennarDigital. Watch electronic music master Rishabh Rajan explain and explore how this warm, analog-sounding synth works!
  • 3. 3. Supersaw Synth
    4m 17s
    Logic Pro X 207
    ES2 Sound Design Workshop
    Do you want to build screaming leads, evolving pads, talking basses, electro drums and more? In this course, you'll learn how to set Logic Pro X's ES2 on fire with sound design tips sparked from the imagination of inventive producer, Rishabh Rajan!
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