Here’s a selection of’s most popular pulser tutorial-videos:
  • 3. 3. Synthesis Architecture
    2m 41s
    Arturia V 103
    Buchla Easel V Explored
    Arturia's Buchla Easel V is a faithful emulation of Don Buchla's iconic semi-modular instrument that was introduced in the early 1970s. Watch this course, and take a ride on the "west" side of synthesis with sound designer Rishabh Rajan!
  • 7. 7. The Dual Lo Pass Gate - Explored
    3m 27s
    Buchla 102
    The Easel Explored
    The "NEW", reimagined Buchla Easel is one of the most original and best sounding analog all-in-one synths ever made. See what this amazing instrument can do in this Easel Video Manual created by renowned Buchla expert Todd Barton.
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