Here’s a selection of’s most popular purchase tutorial-videos:
  • 4. 4. Utilizing/Authorizing Programs
    3m 58s
    Kronos 201
    Kronos Advanced
    Now that you know you way around the Korg Kronos, Matt Vanacoro is here to take you even deeper. It's a complex instrument, with a lot of cool features to explore. So, get ready to take your Kronos chops to the next level!
  • 26. 26. Advance Content
    2m 45s
    Akai Advance 101
    Learn Akai Advance
    Akai Advance is a MIDI controller and software combination that integrates seamlessly with any plugin. Join Matt Vanacoro as he explains this keyboard and the VIP software and see how it changes the way you access and perform your virtual instruments!
  • 25. 25. Mac App Store & Launchpad
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    OS X Mavericks 101
    Getting to Know Mavericks
    Moving to a new OS is kind of like moving into a new house: All your "stuff" is the same, but all the rooms look a whole lot different. This course shows you around Apple's new OSX Mavericks and how to keep your Macs up-to-date and "moving" in the right direction!
  • 24. 24. Apple's App Store
    4m 45s
    For Dummies
    MacBook For Dummies
    Apple's MacBook gives you the power to work – and play – anywhere, anytime. Get ready to master your MacBook with this friendly – For Dummies – video training course led by Apple expert Scott Freiman.
  • 9. 09. About Themes 2
    1m 11s
    iWeb '09 201
    Advanced iWeb
    iWeb is a powerful web page creation utility - this tutorials shows you how to use it's advanced features to make complex interactive web sites!
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