Here’s a selection of’s most popular recycle tutorial-videos:
  • 15. 15. Bouncing & Recycling
    3m 28s
    Reason 209
    Synchronous Explored
    Synchronous is Reason's new time-based FX modulator. Watch this course by expert Mo Volans as he explains how Synchronous will help you electrify your tracks!
  • 1. 1. Introducing the Dr. OctoRex
    1m 54s
    Reason 207
    Dr. OctoRex: Sonic Surgery
    Imagine 8 Rex files simultaneously slicing and dicing, mixing and mashing to make the most amazing rhythmic masterpieces. Combine Dr. Octo Rex and the expertise of Reason Master, Mo Volans, and the unimaginable has become reality...
  • 4. 4. Basic Controls
    6m 27s
    Soundtoys 5 101
    Explained and Explored
    The Soundtoys 5 collection is a one-stop powerhouse bundle. Clocking in at 18 plug-ins, it can be a lot to digest. If you've got questions, our in-house expert Joe Albano is here to answer them!
  • 4. 4. Crystallizer Intro
    6m 23s
    Soundtoys 101
    Playing With Soundtoys
    Soundtoys aren't your ordinary plugins. They are designed to inspire creativity in your audio processing and sound design. Join trainer Joe Albano as he shows these "toys" in action and explains how they work!
  • 16. 16. Audio Slicing
    3m 44s
    Reason 8 101
    Quick Start Guide
    Reason 8 has all the tools you need to go from your initial ideas to a professional sounding track! In this 20-tutorial guide, you're off to a "Quick Start" with Reason expert Hollin Jones.
  • 19. 19. The Trash
    5m 9s
    OS X Mavericks 101
    Getting to Know Mavericks
    Moving to a new OS is kind of like moving into a new house: All your "stuff" is the same, but all the rooms look a whole lot different. This course shows you around Apple's new OSX Mavericks and how to keep your Macs up-to-date and "moving" in the right direction!
  • 17. 17. Making Your Own Rex Files
    6m 25s
    Reason 7 107
    Beat Design Basics
    Making solid beats is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. In this 33-video collection you'll work up a good sweat, as you develop a strong foundation in the art and science of building beats in Reason...
  • 16. 16. SFX With Dr. OctoRex
    7m 14s
    Reason 7 405
    Twisted Sound Design
    Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
  • 16. 16. SFX With Dr. OctoRex
    7m 14s
    Reason 6 405
    Twisted Sound Design
    Reason wizard Mo Volans takes you deep inside the world of synthesis and plunges you into the dark underworld of Twisted Sound Design in this exploration of advanced sonic techniques...
  • 17. 17. Making Your Own Rex Files
    6m 25s
    Reason 6 107
    Beat Design Basics
    Making solid beats is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. In this 33-video collection you'll work up a good sweat as you develop a strong foundation in the art and science of building beats in Reason 6...
  • 1. 1. Introducing the Dr. OctoRex
    1m 54s
    Reason 6 207
    Dr. OctoRex: Sonic Surgery
    Imagine 8 Rex files simultaneously slicing and dicing, mixing and mashing to make the most amazing rhythmic masterpieces. Combine Dr. Octo Rex and the expertise of Reason Master, Mo Volans, and the unimaginable has become reality...
  • 1. 1. Introducing the Dr. OctoRex
    1m 54s
    Reason 5 104
    Dr. OctoRex: Sonic Surgery
    Imagine 8 Rex files simultaneously slicing and dicing, all working together mixing and mashing to make the most incredible rhythmic masterpieces... well, with Reason 5's new Dr. Octo Rex and the expertise of Reason Master, Mo Volans, the unimaginable has become reality!
  • 1. 01. Importing An Audio Loop
    2m 24s
    Reason 103
    REX & FX
    Create perfect REX files, and make them sparkle, using Reason's built-in DSP effects!
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