Here’s a selection of’s most popular slant tutorial-videos:
  • 5. 5. Distortion Effects
    1m 50s
    Final Cut Pro X 105
    Core Training: Compositing and Visual FX
    Visual Effects and transformations are designed right into Apple's new Final Cut Pro X. Watch this 24-tutorial course to see how Michael Wohl creates everything from basic transformations to cool animations right before your eyes!
  • 31. 31. Finalizing the Scene
    3m 35s
    After Effects CS5 302
    Cartoon Animation Basics
    Learn how to animate photos and create basic characters in the style of "South Park", "Monty Python" and "Jib Jab" in this tutorial, Cartoon Animation Basics, by After Effects expert Richard Lainhart.
  • 57. 57. Distorting Title Text
    1m 44s
    Premiere 101
    Core Premiere
    Adobe Premiere Pro can turn anyone into a video editor - create your artistic vision with this amazing Nonlinear Editor.
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