Here’s a selection of’s most popular songcraft tutorial-videos:
  • 27. 27. The Song!
    2m 23s
    SongCraft Presents 105
    Songwriting With Butter The Children
    The SongCraft adventure series continues! They're back at SxSW to attempt to compose and produce a song in a single day with indie band "Butter the Children". Will they succeed? Watch and see!
  • 1. 1. Introducing the Session
    3m 37s
    SongCraft Presents 104
    Songwriting with Turin Brakes
    Indie band, Turin Brakes, showed up at our SxSW studios in Austin to subject themselves to our patented, "song-in-a-day" stress test! See how this awesome band and "Team Dubway" capture the musical magic in this marathon songwriting and production course!
  • 16. 16. The Song!
    5m 9s
    SongCraft Presents 101
    Songwriting With Sean Rowe
    Songwriting under the gun! Sean Rowe enters the ad hoc SXSW studio of the SongCraft/Dubway team to compose and record a song in a day! Can he do it? Let's see what Sean and the guys come up with...
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