Here’s a selection of’s most popular stylize tutorial-videos:
  • 18. Using Effects with Text
    4m 42s
    Final Cut Pro 305
    Title Design (For Final Cut Editors)
    Apple's Final Cut Pro is filled with powerful tools for creating professional-looking titles. In this comprehensive 23-tutorial course, Apple Certified Trainer Iain Anderson takes you through the entire process of designing your own titles, from start to finish.
  • 4. 4. Applying Video Effects
    8m 28s
    Premiere Pro CC 103
    Working with Effects
    Effects are a big part of any video production. Join Adobe Premiere expert and editor Kevin McAuliffe to learn all the tools and to start adding transitions, effects and even color correction to your video projects now!
  • 20. 20. BCC Lite
    3m 12s
    Media Composer 102
    Working With Effects
    So, you've got your content into Media Composer and it's starting to look really good. Now it's time to start adding effects. In this course, award-winning editor and industry expert trainer Kevin McAuliffe shows you how!
  • 21. 21. Adding Light Streaks
    3m 46s
    DaVinci Resolve 104
    Secondary Color Grading
    In this in-depth look at secondary color grading, DaVinci Resolve expert Andrew Balis shows you the "power" of Power Windows. See how to put these incredible tools to work in your projects!
  • 14. 14. Applying Effects
    0m 55s
    Final Cut Pro X 105
    Core Training: Compositing and Visual FX
    Visual Effects and transformations are designed right into Apple's new Final Cut Pro X. Watch this 24-tutorial course to see how Michael Wohl creates everything from basic transformations to cool animations right before your eyes!
  • 10. 10. Distort and Stylize Effects
    5m 41s
    Premiere Pro CS6 106
    Filters, Effects & Color
    The course you've all been waiting for is here! Learn all about Filters, Effects and Color in this exciting in-depth 40-tutorial course by industry acclaimed, digital video expert Michael Wohl!
  • 55. 55. Animating a Kaleidoscope Automatically With Sound
    6m 14s
    After Effects CS5 101
    Core After Effects CS5
    Adobe's After Effects CS5 is the industry-leading motion graphics software that powers animations across all media including the web, on TV and in feature films. Join visual artist/musician and trainer Richard Lainhart in this detailed exploration of everything you need to know about the powerful animation tools in After Effects CS5.
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