Here’s a selection of’s most popular volumes tutorial-videos:
  • 8. 8. Linking to Your Footage
    3m 47s
    Media Composer 101
    Start Editing Now
    Whether you're a Hollywood pro or a film student/enthusiast just starting out, you will likely know about AVID's famed Media Composer software. If you want to learn it, or learn it better, watch this course by our very own three-time North American ProMax award-winning editor and expert trainer Kevin McAuliffe!
  • 15. 15. Rough to Clean Up
    2m 25s
    Storyboarding 102
    The Art of Storyboarding
    Storyboard artist Siobhan Twomey is back with a sequel to her very popular introductory course! In this course, you learn filmmaking techniques and principles that are essential knowledge for every storyboard artist.
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