Well known for its unique pattern-based workflow, Image-Line's FL Studio is also an amazing DAW for mastering. Discover the power of FL Studio's mastering tools in this course, by producer and trainer Rishabh Rajan!
Bitwig Studio 3 introduces an open modular environment called The Grid. Discover the modular sound design possibilities offered by the Poly Grid device in this course by Bitwig certified trainer Thavius Beck!
If you're looking to improve your FL Studio mixing chops, look no further! This 23-tutorial course, by expert trainer Rishabh Rajan, reveals the skills YOU need for creating pro-sounding mixes using FL Studio.
Now that you know your way around Image-Line's FL Studio 20, it's time to dive deeper. Join music producer and trainer Rishabh Rajan in this course to learn advanced FL Studio workflows and production techniques!
Ableton Live's Operator is a very powerful FM (Frequency Modulation) synth with some interesting tricks up its sleeve. Explore this fantastic Live instrument with sound designer Rishabh Rajan, and get into FM synthesis the right way!
Ableton Certified trainer Timo Preece is onboard to share his valuable workflows and production tips for Live's saturation and distortion FX. Learn how to harness the power of these FX in this 15-tutorial FastTrack™ in-action course.
In this 36-tutorial course, G.W. Childs dishes out the dirt on iZotope's filthiest plugin, Trash 2! Learn how to delightfully destroy your audio and mangle your music. Getting dirty was never so much fun!