Here’s a selection of’s most popular wmv tutorial-videos:
  • 4. 4. Working with Windows Media Files on Mac
    3m 46s
    Premiere Pro CC 101
    Get Started Now!
    Adobe's Premiere Pro CC video editing software is now the default industry standard. For an editor, this is the main tool of the trade. Learn Premiere the right way in this 27-tutorial course by professional editor, Kevin McAuliffe.
  • 3. 3. Which Video Formats to Use
    3m 26s
    Cubase 8 108
    Score to Picture
    Composing music to picture is an essential skill to master for any composers. This introductory course covers the basics of working with video in Steinberg's Cubase. Learn these skills and begin scoring now in this 24-tutorial, Hollin Jones course.
  • 28. 28. Which Video Formats to Use
    3m 26s
    Cubase 8 100
    Tutorial Sampler
    Welcome Cubase users! Create a FREE account (top right) to watch these introductory teaser tutorials selected from our Cubase courseware. Then join our learning community to unlock more courses about Cubase, synthesis, recording techniques, EDM production, music theory and more.
  • 62. 62. Using a Windows Media Episode Template in Compressor
    5m 36s
    Compressor 3.5 201
    Advanced Compressor
    Make great looking video with the smallest file size possible ... watch this tutorial!
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