Ear Training 103
Rhythm & Listening Skills
Genre: Audio
  • 32 Videos
  • 1h 44m
  • Quiz Available
In previous courses you've learned how to listen for melody and harmony. Now it's time to zoom out and discover how to hear rhythm! This course, with its challenging listening exercises, teaches you how to hear music's powerful pulse. Educate your ears with Gregg Fine!
Gregg Fine, founder and principal composer of Hidden Tiger Music, is an award-winning guitarist, multi-instrumentalist and veteran composer of music for advertising.
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Status: Available
Rhythm is the foundation that melody and harmony are built upon. In this third ear training course by Gregg Fine, you learn how to hear rhythms, beats, time signatures, phrase lengths, accents and more. Gregg guides you through his patented step-by-step ear training process. He introduces you to all the rhythmic concepts, while cementing the knowledge into your musical psyche, with his excellent listening exercises.

Music is made up of many different parts. Learning how how to hear them all and how they work together is the key to great musicianship. This deep listening skill gives you the ability make solid compositional choices. It helps you analyze your work and make fixes. And, most of all, understanding what you're hearing helps you to clearly communicate your creative ideas to musicians, engineers and producers.

So learn how to hear beats and rhythms in this 32-tutorial, deep-listening course by ear training expert, Gregg Fine. Educate your ears!
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