Here’s a selection of’s most popular microtonal tutorial-videos:
  • 19. 19. Using Different Tunings
    5m 48s
    Omnisphere 201
    Omnisphere 2 Xtreme
    Oh no...look out... Bill Burgess is back with an Xtreme look at Omnisphere 2! Bill doesn't play by the rules and this course is no exception. So hold on tight & get ready to learn the crazy sonics that makes O2 so darn cool.
  • 48. 48. Hermode Tuning
    3m 25s
    Cubase 7 101
    Moving Forward with Cubase 7
    Calling all Cubase users: Cubase 7 is here, and Matt Hepworth, our in-house Cubase expert has been hard at work exploring every line of code! Master all the powerful new features in this new and powerful version of this popular DAW...
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