Here’s a selection of’s most popular mirroring tutorial-videos:
  • 10. 10. Audio to MIDI
    4m 8s
    Reason FastTrack 201
    Tuning Vocals With Pitch Edit
    Pitch Edit is new to Reason 9 and Hollin Jones is here to show you how it works! Learn how to tune, correct, fix drift, narrow the vibrato, change keys and turn MIDI into audio in this vocal-focused pitch editing course.
  • 19. 19. Vertex Tweaks
    3m 5s
    Maya 201
    The best way to learn 3D animation software is to see it in action. And this Maya modeling course does exactly that. Learn to model with Autodesk's Maya with pro animation supervisor Nigel Broad in this 31-tutorial course.
  • 24. 24. Enabling AirPlay Mirroring
    2m 28s
    Mac OS X (10.8) 101
    Mountain Lion
    Mac OS X 10.8, "Mountain Lion" is Apple's most advanced operating system to date! Let Mac OS expert, Francesco Schiavon, show you how to "tame" this powerful new OS and make it work for you!
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