Here’s a selection of’s most popular punchy tutorial-videos:
  • 9. 9. Short, Punchy Kick
    4m 10s
    Dance Music Sound Design 104
    In this drum-centric, in-action course, you learn how to make the best-sounding, room-shattering beats. So sit back, put in your earbuds and get ready to be awakened to the world of EDM drum and beat sound design.
  • 8. 8. Mastering and Mind Reading
    1m 52s
    Cubase 7.5 302
    Mastering Toolbox
    Steinberg Product specialist Matt Hepworth has assembled the best Cubase mastering course ever created. Get all the tools and techniques you need to make your tracks sound professionally mastered in this 33-tutorial, 2+ hour course.
  • 44. 44. Adding Mastering Plug-ins
    14m 39s
    Cubase 7 102
    Songwriters/Musicians Toolbox
    Just want to get your tracks down fast without wrestling with the software? Learn Cubase 7-from the composer & songwriter perspective-in this making music-focused course by Cubase product specialist Matt Hepworth...
  • 16. 16. Adding "Punchy" with a Multiband Compressor
    9m 47s
    WaveLab 101
    Introduction To Mastering
    Steinberg's WaveLab is a full-featured audio editor, restoration and mastering tool that every musician and engineer must have in their audio toolbox. Find out how Matt Hepworth uses it to master his tracks in this fact-filled 24-video tutorial...
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