Cubase 6 105
Working With Audio
Genre: Audio
  • 33 Videos
  • 3h 6m
Want to record audio in Cubase? Let Matt Hepworth show you everything you need to know about Working With Audio in Cubase 6...
A Steinberg Product Specialist combines with a natural musician and educator to give us Matthew Loel T. Hepworth - Cubase Specialist!
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Status: Available
Recording and editing audio is complex. There are so many details you need to know to do it right! This course, Working With Audio, is led by Matt Hepworth –one of Steinberg North America's Product Specialists. Matt begins with an exploration of the digital recording process. He covers setting levels, and monitoring. He explains the different techniques needed to record both mic and line audio. Next Matt explains the different recording techniques like cycle, comping and punch and how these are implemented in Cubase 6.

What about editing? Well, it's all here. Matt explains Cubase's non destructive editing. He shows you how to use the fade handles and how and when to use crossfades. There's a section on using Vari-Audio for pitch correction and another about editing with folders and even how to turn audio into MIDI!

But that's just the beginning. This tutorial is filled with all kinds of cools videos that explore some of Cubase 6's deepest audio secrets. So if you're looking to learn about audio in Cubase 6 then hit the play button and let Matt Hepworth teach you to be an audio expert in Cubase 6!
Section 1: Section 1: Recording Audio Tracks
Section 2: Section 2: Editing Audio Tracks
Section 3: Section 3: Advanced Audio Editing and Operations
Section 4: Section 4: The Pool
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