Live 9 206
Max For Live FX Explored
Genre: Audio
  • 25 Videos
  • 2h
Ableton Live comes jam-packed with a ton of factory Max FX and Plugins. What do they do? How do they work and how do you use them? Find out right now in this exploratory course by Gary Hiebner...
Gary Hiebner is a prolific South African Sound Designer and Apple Tech Head!
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Status: Available
The MAX programming environment is built right in to Ableton Live. Designing your own plugins requires some pretty deep programming skills. No worries, we have some amazing courses to teach you those! However, sometimes the best way to understand how Max For Live works is to explore with plugins that already exist!

That's why this course takes you step-by-step through the factory M4L plugins. It shows you how to deploy them them into your production workflow. You learn how to operate the audio, MIDI and instrument Max plugins that are packaged with Live. We know that once you understand how they work, they'll inspire you to think about plugins and instruments in a completely new way.

So if your want to MAXimize your tunes and MAX out your live sets without becoming a programmer, this course shows you how it's done. And, if you're feeling even more adventurous, be sure to check our deeper Max For Live programming courses.

Music is about exploration and pushing the boundaries. Be brave. Have no fear! Learn Max For LIve!
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